About the definition of "a word", which of the following is NOT true?( )
About the definition of "a word", which of the following is NOT true?( )
A、A word is the smallest free form of a language.
B、A word is a sound unity.
C、A word has a given meaning.
D、A word can be used freely in a sentence.
【题目解析】:本题可从词的定义入手。选出表述错误的选项。词的定义包括:1.a minimal free form of a language(语言的最小自由形式) 2. a sound unity(一种声音的集合) 3. a unit of meaning(一个词是一个意义单位) 4. a form that has a syntactic function(一种句法功能的形式)。A选项表述错误,正确的表述应为:The smallest free form of a language is a morpheme. (语言最小的自由形式是语素。)The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. (语素是语言中最小的有意义的语言单位,不能分割或分析成更小的形式)。所以本题选A。