Which of the following is NOT true about Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English?
Which of the following is NOT true about Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English?
A、It is a desk dictionary.
B、It is noted for its elaborate grammar information.
C、It creates an extra column arranged alongside the definitions.
D、It is noted for its wide coverage of new words, new meanings and new usages.
【题目解析】:本题考查第十章Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English《朗文当代英语词典》(LDCE)的相关内容,本题可用排除法,C 中extra column关键词是CCELD《科林斯合作英语词典》的特征,因此选出C,这提醒考生需掌握三个主要字典的特征并会辨析它们的区别。