In the story Who Shall Dwell? how did the father's attitude towards the neighbors change?What brought about the change?
In the story Who Shall Dwell? how did the father's attitude towards the neighbors change?What brought about the change?
【正确答案】:When the bomb alert came, the father thought that a man's primary duty was to protect his own family. With no spare room in their small shelter, he flatly turned down his neighbors' request to get in. When a mother begged them to take her little girl in, his wife dashed out and pushed the girl in. Her action shocked him and set him thinking hard.Just a moment before the first bomb struck he made a big decision. After telling his elder son what to do, he stepped out and shoved two children into the shelter. He stood beside his wife, ready to face the worst.
His change seemed sudden, but was actually quite natural. A loving and responsible father, he was greatly affected by the mother 's plea and gave the chance of survival to two children. Also his love for his wife led him to follow her example.