Passage 1
Wearable gadget (可穿戴设备) companies claim that their bracelets and watches can improve our lives by helping us detect health problems so that we can come up with solutions.For many years, fitness gadgets have measured basic data, like foo
Passage 1
Wearable gadget (可穿戴设备) companies claim that their bracelets and watches can improve our lives by helping us detect health problems so that we can come up with solutions.For many years, fitness gadgets have measured basic data, like footsteps or calories burned, to motivate us to stay active or shed pounds. Sleep tracking is still a new area-one that I've watched with interest, as someone who has been sleep-deprived for many years. Would itreally make a difference, I wondered, to have this data? Would it help me to sleep better?
I decided to test it out. I wore an Apple Watch. I also downloaded a top-rated app called AutoSleep. Ultimately, the technology did not help me sleep more. It didn't reveal anything that I didn't know. And the data did not help me answer what I should do about my particular sleep problems. In fact, I've been easily annoyed since I started these tests. This mirrored the conclusions of a recent study. Researchers noticed patients complaining about sleep data collected by apps and devices. They warned that sleep-tracking tech could provide inaccurate data and worsen insomnia (失眠) by making people obsessed with achieving perfect sleep.They supported the idea that health apps don't necessarily make people healthier.
For some practical tips on how to get more shut-eye, I sought out Raphael Vallat, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. His most important advice: Do not check your sleep data on a regular basis. "If you look at your data, you may think: Oh, gosh, I didn't sleep well. Should I be tired? Am I in a bad mood?" he said.
To understand sleep-tracking data, I dug into how sleep works. There are three main stages: light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep (for rapid eye movement). The deep sleep stage is beneficial for physical restoration, researchers said. REM sleep, the stage in which we dream, helps in repairing our psychological and emotional networks. On average, a person completes a sleep cycle, which includes each of the three main stages, every 90 minutes. To get a good night's sleep, you need to complete four or five cycles. That's partly because the cycles are not the same throughout the night: the early cycles have more deep sleep, whereas the later ones have more REM sleep.
But our sleep-tracking tech? It generally can't accurately measure REM sleep.Sleep-tracking apps primarily look at movement and heart rate to determine when you are asleep or awake-which are generally not precise enough to measure the different sleep stages. Without a good look at REM sleep, these apps may give an incomplete picture of sleep quality. My sleep-tracking statistics said I needed more sleep, but the app stopped short of offering advice on how to solve my personal sleep problems. It's just information. Can I do anything on my own to optimize (使完善) it? Or is the information just worthless or is it making things worse? Sometimes being aware of it just makes you even more anxious. It's a vicious cycle, because if you immediately feel you didn't sleep enough, it will impact your mood.
Dr. Vallat advised making the bedroom a cool environment and as dark as possible;avoiding alcohol in the evening; not checking social media right before bed. That all sounded reasonable-and there's no app needed for any of that.

What is the function of fitness gadgets according to Paragraph 1?
A、 To improve the standard of living.
B、 To provide solutions to health problems.
C、 To promote an awareness of good health.
D、 To encourage people to do more exercise.