⑥Is Google really wrecking our memory? The answer is “it depends.” The Columbia University report doesn’t offer evidence of actual memory diminishing. Instead, the suggestion is that, influenced by Internet and search engine use, our memories are

⑥Is Google really wrecking our memory? The answer is “it depends.” The Columbia University report doesn’t offer evidence of actual memory diminishing. Instead, the suggestion is that, influenced by Internet and search engine use, our memories are switching job hats and becoming more external. Instead of remembering “ends,” we’re remembering “means.” Search engines like Google are simply becoming extensions of our brains, sort of like wireless electronic devices. 

According to the Columbia study, what may happen when we have easy access to information?()


Our external memory begins to fail.


Our actual memory begins to diminish.


We are likely to remember the means of getting that information. 


We are likely to store that information permanently in our memory.


根据Columbia study,定位到原文第六段,当我们有更多的信息搜索途径时,我们更有可能记住获取信息的方式,而不是信息本身。
