Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Most hosts [of TV talk shows] are grateful just to get someone who will fill the room with sound.( )

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Most hosts [of TV talk shows] are grateful just to get someone who will fill the room with sound.( )


Most hosts like those guests who come to the talk shows.


It’s really difficult for most hosts to find some talkative guests.


Most hosts are more than happy as long as the guests keep talking.


Whatever the guests say about themselves, most hosts wouldn’t mind.


原句句意:多数主持人只要有人说话,让演播室老有声音就很满意了。(不管明星们说什么,只要说话就行。)A. 大多数主持人喜欢那些来参加脱口秀的嘉宾。不是喜欢这些嘉宾,而是希望他们能够侃侃而谈。B. 对大多数主持人来说,很难找到一些健谈的嘉宾。没说这件事情困难与否。C. 只要嘉宾们一直在侃侃而谈,大多数主持人都会非常高兴。符合句意。D. 不管嘉宾对自己说什么,大多数主持人都不介意。没说介意与否。选C。
