Besides,they [terrorists] don' t have access to the knowledge[to build an atomic bomb].
Besides,they [terrorists] don' t have access to the knowledge[to build an atomic bomb].
A、Besides, it is none of their business to do that.
B、Besides, they are not knowledgeable enough to do that.
C、Besides, they can't get the necessary information.
D、Besides, it is difficult for them to get an opportunity.
【题目解析】:原句译文:除此之外,他们并没有得到资料。A项中none of their business(不关他们的事)与原文不符;B项意为除此之外,他们的知识还不够渊博来完成,原句中并没有“知识渊博”的相关信息;D项将knowledge理解为opportunity(机会)是错误的。答案为C。