If I love you. I can see you as a separate person• with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity and conform to an image of what I expect you to he for me.
If I love you. I can see you as a separate person• with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity and conform to an image of what I expect you to he for me.
A、...I don't want you to lose hope and then blame me for it.
B、...I won't force you to be independent and you can rely on me.
C、...I don't expect you to follow my step and become similar to me.
D、...I won't push you to lose yourself and become what I like you to be.
【题目解析】:译文:如果我爱你,我就会把你看成一个独立的人,有你自己的价值观,有你自己的思想和感情,我不会要你放弃你的个性,而为了我,把自己塑造成我期望你成为的那种人。这里I do not insist that you surrender your identity and conform to an image of what I expect you to be for me.指“我不会要你放弃你的个性,而为了我,把自己塑造成我期望你成为的那种人”。A项指“我不想你丢失希望,而后为此又来指责我";B项指“我不会强迫你独立,你可以依赖我";C项指“我不期望你追随我的脚步,成为和我相似的人";D项指“我不会要你放弃你自己,成为我想让你成为的人”。答案为D。