I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person [my romantic partner] On a deeper level.
I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person [my romantic partner] On a deeper level.
A、In spite of his indifference, I can see his love deep down.
B、At a glance,I recognise him even though he wears a facemask.
C、I know what he is at heart beyond his public image and his status.
D、Whether he turns out to be a millionaire or a beggar, I know what he is.
【题目解析】:原句译文:我能透过对方社交场合的表现和在社会上担当的角色,看到他更内在的东西。A项中his indifference(他的冷漠)在原句没有相关信息;B项at a glance意为看一眼就能……,与原文不符;D项意为不管他本身是一个富翁还是一个乞丐,我都知道他到底怎样,解释中缺少“社交场合的表现”的信息。答案为C。