He hurried to work in a state of profound but carefully concealed excitement.
He hurried to work in a state of profound but carefully concealed excitement.
A、The hurried to work with high spirit but he tried to hide his excitement.
B、The hurried to work with high spirit and excitement.
C、The hurried to work happily.
D、The hurried to work and felt excited.
【题目解析】:原句译文:他赶忙去上班,情绪激昂,但又藏而不露。A项中tried to hide(试图隐藏)和原句的concealed(隐藏)不一致;B项中with...excitement(带着兴奋)和原文的concealed excitement(隐藏兴奋)意义相反;C项意为他很快乐地去上班,表达简单,信息缺失。答案为D。