I should never want to paint him in a frock coat for anything.
I should never want to paint him in a frock coat for anything.
A、If he were dressed in a frock coat, I would have painted him for a large amount of money.
B、If he were dressed in a frock coat, I would not have painted him for anything.
C、If he was not dressed in a frock coat, I would paint him for nothing.
D、If he was dressed in a frock coat, I would not paint him for nothing.
【题目解析】:译文:他要是穿长礼服,我说什么也不会画他。not/never...for anything(口语)决不,肯定不。本句是含有虚拟语气的句子,因此be动词为were,—般不随人称变化,因此C、D是错误的。A项意为……我会付给他一大笔钱,与原句不符。答案为B。