But what was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?
But what was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?
A、But what can a good-seeking person do among those who are ugly and brutal?
B、But what can a generous person do among those who are greedy and tricky?
C、But what can a pleasure-seeking person do among those who are good at buying and selling stocks?
D、But what can a joy-seeking person do among those who are hard-working at work?
【题目解析】:此题的关键在于理解bulls and bears的含义。bull可引申为“(预期证券上涨的)买空者,多头”,bear可引申为“(在证券市场等)卖空者”,bulls and bears一般可指善于玩弄股市、善于买卖股票的人。因此只有选项C符合题意。此外注意seek有“寻求,探求"之意,pleasure-seeking指“寻求快乐”,butterfly在此指寻求快乐的人。答案为C。