Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow.
Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow.
A、There is no use in being a charming and wealthy fellow.
B、It is enough if he is a wealthy and charming person.
C、There is no use in being a rich man if he hasn't charm.
D、There is no use in being a charming fellow if he has no money.
【题目解析】:本句选自《综合英语(二)》上册Lesson 7 – The Model Millionaire。本句考查的是固定结构there/it is no use/good (in) doing sth. …“做……是没有用的”,该句的意思是“一个人要是没有钱,仅有魅力毫无用处。”和D意思最接近。