The Inuit People
① People often call them Eskimos(爱斯基摩人), but they prefer to be called Inuit, which means "humans "i
The Inuit People
① People often call them Eskimos(爱斯基摩人), but they prefer to be called Inuit, which means "humans "in their own language. The Inuit people learn English or French at school, but they speak their own language at home. Children are also given lessons on their traditional activities at school in their own language.
② The most famous kind of house the Inuit make is a small hut called igloo The hut is a temporary shelter. It is used during hunting trips in winter. Today, most Inuit live in modern houses with heating systems. They also have television sets, telephones and the Internet.
③ Traditionally, the Inuit eat food rich in protein(蛋白质) like raw meat. Raw meat contains more vitamins than cooked meat, and is easier to eat in the Inuit's cold environment There lighting up a wood fire for cooking is impossible. Nowadays, the Inuit shop at the supermarket, drink Coca Cola and use the refrigerator.
④ In summer, men fish and hunt from their small boat made of wood or sealskin. In winter they use dog sleds(雪橇)。 They sit still for hours waiting for a seal to pop its head up from a hole dug out of the ice. Today, it is much easier to hunt with guns, but the Inuit still prefer to use traditional weapons like throwing sticks.
⑤ The main threat the Inuit face today is the destruction of their environment. Global warming caused mainly by developed nations has terrible consequences on the area where the Inuit live. Animals are especially threatened. Some species are even dying off.

Task 1
16. Paragraph①
17. Paragraph②
18. Paragraph ③
19. Paragraph ④
20. Paragraph⑤
A. Eating habits of the Inuit
B. Problems faced by the Inuit
C. Hunting styles of the Inuit
D. Housing conditions of the Inuit
E. Animals living around the Inuit
F. Languages spoken by the Inuit

Task 2
21. The Inuit's children learn their traditional customs in________。
22. Now the Inuit live in modern houses________。
23. The Inuit did not cook meat in the past________。
24. Today the Inuit still like to hunt________。
25. The damage to the Inuit's living environment results from________。
A. global warming
B. with wooden tools
C. their own language
D. food rich in proteins
E. with various electric equipment
F. because of the difficulty to start a fire