【概括大意】Take the case of Eta Carinae, one of the most explosive stars in the universe. This star produces ultraviolet laser rays(紫外线) and it will destroy itself in a few million years’ time. It is five times brighter than the sun and when it explodes i
【概括大意】Take the case of Eta Carinae, one of the most explosive stars in the universe. This star produces ultraviolet laser rays(紫外线) and it will destroy itself in a few million years’ time. It is five times brighter than the sun and when it explodes it is going to be a sight worth waiting for!
The main idea of this paragraph is__________.
A、Power of the telescope
B、Details of Eta Carinae
C、Invention of a time machine
D、Biggest telescope
【题目解析】:从Take the case of Eta Carinae“以Eta Carinae为例”可以看出,这句话主要讲的是一些关于船底星座的细节问题。因此选择B。