Jake:I thought Jane’d be happy.
Cathy:Yeah,especially since she got a promotion recently.
Jake:Maybe it’s ( )
Jake:I thought Jane’d be happy.
Cathy:Yeah,especially since she got a promotion recently.
Jake:Maybe it’s ( )

A、something she’d like to keep secret.
B、what she usually does.
C、how she copes with something unpleasant.
D、some kind of personal problem.
【名师解析】:Jake和Cathy的对话表明,他们原本预期Jane会因为最近获得晋升而感到高兴。然而,Jake的话“Maybe it’s”暗示Jane可能并没有表现出预期中的喜悦。选项D“some kind of personal problem”(某种个人问题)与Jake的语气和语境相符,表明他猜测Jane可能因为某种个人问题而不高兴,这与她没有因为晋升而表现出高兴相符合。其他选项A、B和C与对话内容和Jake的猜测不吻合,因此选项D是正确答案。