Passage Two
A new record for the oldest woman to run a marathon has been set, but it may not stand for more than a year. Harriette Thompson, 92, said that she hasn't ruled out running the Rock'n'Roll Marathon in San Diego again next year. Harriett
Passage Two
A new record for the oldest woman to run a marathon has been set, but it may not stand for more than a year. Harriette Thompson, 92, said that she hasn't ruled out running the Rock'n'Roll Marathon in San Diego again next year. Harriette finished in hours, 24 mi- nutes, 36 seconds, the BBC reports, coming close to the over-90 record of 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 42 seconds she set in 2014, despite having a very difficult year between marathons. "I couldn't train very well because my husband was very ill and I had to be with him for some time, and then when he died in January I had some treatments on my leg,"Thompson, who was in her 70s when she ran her first marathon, tells the AP. "I was just really thrilled that I could finish today."
At 92 years and 65 days old, Thompson is 46 days older than Gladys Burrill was when Burrill finished the 2010 Honolulu Marathon. "I can't believe I made it, Thompson tells the Charlotte Observer. "I was really tired at one point. Around Mile 21, I was going up a hill and it was like a mounta. But then felt better is sort of crazy at my age. I can't do it. g down the hill. And my son Brenny kept feeding me all these wonderful carbohydrates(碳水化合物) that kept me going.” Thompson-whose-- parents, three brothers, and husband all died of cancer-tells the Observer that the San Diego mara-thon' s fundraising for the Leukemia白血病) Society is what inspired her to run and may ven bring her back again next year.

What does Thompson say about the San Diego marathon next year?
A、 She may not be able to be there.
B、 She hasn't thought about it.
C、 She is sure to take part in it.
D、 She is likely to run again.
【题目解析】:细节题。通过题干中的 San Diego marathon、 next year可以定位至第一段: she hasn't ruled out running the Rock‘n Roll Marathon in San Diego again next year.意思是:……她不排除明年还来参加在圣地亚哥举行的摇滚马拉松比赛。即 Thompson有可能再次来参赛。选项D中 likely表示有可能…两者表述一致。所以,选D【参考译文】马拉松赛跑年龄最大的女子新纪录已经确定,这个记录保持时间可能不会超过一年。Harriette Thompson,92岁,她说不排除明年还会来参在圣地亚哥举行的摇滚马拉松比赛。英国广播公司报道 Harriette在7小时24分钟36秒内跑完全程,接近7个小时7分钟42秒记录,这是她在2014的90岁以上年龄的纪录。准备马拉松比赛的这一年过得非常艰难。“我不能很好地训练,因为我的丈夫病得很重,我不得不和他待一段时间,然后在他一月去世后,我又对我的腿进行了治疗。”Thompson告诉美联社在她70岁时,她第一次参加马拉松。“我今天能跑完全程,我真的很激动。”在92岁65天时, Thompson比 Gladys Burrill大46天,那时 Burrill跑完了2010年Honolulu马拉松。“我不敢相信我做到了,”Thompson告诉 Charlotte Observer“在某一刻时,我真的很累。在大约21英里时,我爬上了一座小山丘但像是爬了一座大山,我在想在我这个年纪,这有点疯狂。我做不到。但接着在下山时我感觉很好。一路上,我的儿子 Brenny给我一些奇妙的碳酸饮料使我坚持跑下去。”Thompson的父母、三个兄弟和丈夫都死于癌症,所以她告诉 Charlotte Observer,圣地亚哥马拉松是为 Leukemia(白血病) Society筹款,这激发了她要去参跑,甚至明年她有可能还会来。