Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic “My View on Fast Food”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic “My View on Fast Food”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

【正确答案】:Fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s and KFC provide food served within a few minutes. Therefore, many people, especially those who are busy with their work, would choose fast food in order to save time.
But we should also be aware that some kinds of fast food are not so healthy. They are usually fried or overcooked, and therefore increase the risk people of getting overweight. It may even cause some diseases.
In my opinion, when we are really running out of time, fast food is a good choice to avoid hunger and make us return to work with some energy. At the same time, eating fast food should not become a long-term habit so health problems will not arise. (123 words)
【名师解析】:本题目要求考生就“我对快餐的看法”这一主题撰写一篇100-120字的短文。文章需要围绕三个要点展开:1. 快餐可以节省时间;2. 但有些快餐不健康;3. 谈谈自己的看法。 文章首先指出,像麦当劳和肯德基这样的快餐店提供的食物可以在几分钟内上桌,因此许多忙碌的人会选择快餐来节省时间。接着,文章提到我们应该意识到,有些快餐并不健康,它们通常是油炸或过度烹饪的,因此增加了人们超重的风险,甚至可能导致一些疾病。 在个人看法部分,作者认为,当我们真的没有时间时,快餐是避免饥饿并让我们带着一些能量回到工作岗位的好选择。同时,吃快餐不应该成为一种长期习惯,以避免健康问题的出现。 整体而言,文章结构清晰,要点齐全,字数符合要求,是一篇不错的议论文。