It's early August and the countrysideappears peaceful. Planting has long been finished and the fields are alive withstrong, healthy crops. Soybeans and wheat are flourishing under the hot summersun, and the corn is now well over six feet
  It's early August and the countrysideappears peaceful. Planting has long been finished and the fields are alive withstrong, healthy crops. Soybeans and wheat are flourishing under the hot summersun, and the corn is now well over six feet tall. 46. Herds of dairy andbeef cattle are grazing peacefully in rolling pastures which surround big, redbarns and neat, white farmhouses. Everything as far as the eye can see radiatesa sense of prosperity.  The tranquility of the above scene ismisleading. Farmers in the Midwest put in some of the longest workdays of anyprofession in the United States. In addition to caring for their crops andlivestock they have to keep up with new farming techniques, such as those forcombining soil erosion and increasing livestock production. It is essentialthat farmers adopt these advances in technology if they want to continue tomeet the growing demands of a hungry world  47. Agriculture is the number one industryin the United States and agricultural products are the country's leadingexport. Corn and soybean exports alone account for approximately 75 percent ofthe amount sold in world markets.  This productivity, however, has its priceIntensive cultivation exposes the earth to the damaging forces of nature. Everyyear wind and water remove tons of rich soil from the nation's croplands, withthe result that soil erosion has become a national problem concerning everyonefrom the farmer to the consumer.  Each field is covered by a limited amountof topsoil, the upper layer of earth which is richest in the nutrient andminerals necessary for growing crops. In the 1830s, nearly two feet of rich,black top soil covered the Midwest. Today the average depth is only eightinches, and every decade another inch is blown or washed away. 48. A UnitedStates Agricultural Department survey states that if erosion continues at itspresent rate, corn and soybean yields in the Midwest may drop as much as 30percent over the next 50 years.  So far, farmers have been able tocompensate for the loss of fertile topsoil by applying more chemicalfertilizers to their fields; however, while this practice has increased cropyields, it has been devastating for ecology. 49. Agriculture has become oneof the biggest polluters of the nation's precious water supply. Rivers, lakes,and underground reserves of water are being filled in and poisoned by soil andchemicals carried by drainage from eroding fields. Furthermore, fertilizersonly replenish the soil; they do not prevent its loss.  Clearly something else has to be done inorder to avoid an eventual ecological disaster. Conservationists insist thatthe solution to the problem lies in new and better farming techniques. 50.Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops,and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly. Substantialprogress has been made, but soil erosion is far from being under control.  The problems and innovations of theagricultural industry in the Midwest are not restricted to growing crops.Livestock raising, which is a big business in the central region of the UnitedStates, is also undergoing many changes. 
Directions: In the following passage, there are five groups of underlined sentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet.