World economic growth remains generally sluggish and has been at its weakest in manufacturing, as opposed to the services sector. Uncertainties over the future of the US recovery and slow growth in Europe are keeping demands for key industrial raw ma
World economic growth remains generally sluggish and has been at its weakest in manufacturing, as opposed to the services sector. Uncertainties over the future of the US recovery and slow growth in Europe are keeping demands for key industrial raw materials relatively depressed. In many of the newer and heavily-indebted industrial countries,commodity consumption has been squeezed, as a result of official austerity programmes. Developing states have had to maximize commodity exports in order to keep up their foreign exchange earnings and offset the decline in unit commodity prices. This, in turn, has aggravated over-supply problems. It's true of Chile in the copper market, as it is of Brazil in soybeans or Malaysia in palm oil.
【正确答案】:世界经济增长整体上仍处于呆滞状态,制造业最萧条,而服务部门却恰恰相反。 美国经济复苏前景的不确定性,以及欧洲经济低增长,使主要工业原材料的需求相对降低。 在许多新兴工业国和负债累累的工业国中,由于官方推出的紧缩计划,商品消费量受到压缩。 发展中国家不得不最大限度地扩大初级产品的出口以维持其外汇收入并弥补初级产品价格的下跌,反过来加剧了供应过量的问题。 正如巴西在大豆市场上和马来西亚在棕榈油市场上的行为一样,智利在黄铜市场上的行为就是如此。