For the industrial world, by contrast,the drop in commodity prices has been a real boon in fight against inflation.
For the industrial world, by contrast,the drop in commodity prices has been a real boon in fight against inflation.
A、by the way
B、by all
C、by means
D、by comparison
【名师解析】:选项D "by comparison" 是正确的答案。在这个句子中,"by contrast" 表示与前文提到的情况进行对比,用来强调不同之处。"by comparison" 与 "by contrast" 意思相近,都可以用来表示通过比较来突出差异。其他选项 "by the way" 表示顺便提及,"by all" 表示无论如何,"by means" 表示通过某种方式,它们都不符合句子的语境。因此,选项D是最合适的选择。