A number of economics and political blogs have recently caught onto the political 【futures】 market craze, particularly focusing on Intrade (the popular site where people can bet on, among other things, the presidential elections).
A number of economics and political blogs have recently caught onto the political 【futures】 market craze, particularly focusing on Intrade (the popular site where people can bet on, among other things, the presidential elections).
A、indefinite time
B、near future
C、prospective time
D、commodities transacted at a future date
【名师解析】:题目中的关键词 "futures" 在金融市场中指的是期货,这是一种合约,买卖双方约定在未来某个日期以特定价格买卖某种商品或金融工具。在题目的上下文中,"political futures market" 指的是一种特殊的期货市场,人们可以对政治事件的结果进行投注,例如总统选举。因此,正确答案是选项D "commodities transacted at a future date",这表明了期货市场的基本特征,即交易的是未来某个时间点的商品或金融工具。选项A、B和C都与题目中的 "futures" 概念不符。