Steel 【inventories】 are growing in the US, partly due to a slowdown in auto manufacturing, and the trend is spawning worries of an oversupply.
Steel 【inventories】 are growing in the US, partly due to a slowdown in auto manufacturing, and the trend is spawning worries of an oversupply.
C、commodities offered for sale
D、current market prices
【名师解析】:题目中的"Steel inventories"指的是钢铁库存,而"growing"表示库存正在增加。题目提到库存增加部分原因是汽车制造业的放缓,这导致了市场对供应过剩的担忧。选项C "commodities offered for sale" 正确地描述了库存的含义,即待售的商品。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项A "demands"(需求)、B "qualities"(质量)和D "current market prices"(当前市场价格)与题目中库存增长和供应过剩的担忧没有直接关联。