U. S. government officials worry that the explosive growth in countertrade will weaken the world trading system. By concealing the real prices and costs of transactions, says one U. S. trade representative, the various forms of barter may conceal and
U. S. government officials worry that the explosive growth in countertrade will weaken the world trading system. By concealing the real prices and costs of transactions, says one U. S. trade representative, the various forms of barter may conceal and help perpetuate economic inefficiencies in the marketplace. Baiter can also be risky business. “Many companies,” says David Yoffie, suffer losses because they' re stuck with products of poor quality or with the wrong specifications. ” International trade by barter according to some experts, an inefficient and expensive means of doing business compared to trading with money. On the other hand, some other experts assert that the rise of countertrade provides practical solutions to the debt problems of the international monetary system.
【正确答案】:美国政府官员们担心,反向贸易的猛增会削弱世界贸易体系。美国贸易代表说,通过隐瞒交易的实际价格和成本,各种形式的易货贸易可能会掩盖市场中的经济低效并助其长期存在。易货贸易还可能是有风险的交易。David Yoffie 说,“许多公司因无法摆脱质量低劣或规格不符的产品而遭受损失”一些专家认为,与使用货币进行贸易相比,通过易货进行国际贸易实际上是一种低效且昂贵的方式。另一方面,一些专家坚持,反向贸易的兴起为国际货币体系的债务问题提供了实际的解决方法。
【题目解析】: explosive growth翻译成”猛增“;economic inefficiencies in the marketplace翻译成”市场中的经济低效“;stuck with翻译成”无法摆脱";the international monetary system翻译成“国际货币体系”;the debt problems翻译成“债务问题”。
