尊敬的先生:关于AB123号合同,50公吨长粒型精米。我们刚收到来自上海出人境检验检疫局(shanghai Entry一Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau)的检验报告,证实该批货物短重了1000千克。全面的检查显示短重是由于包装不当引起的,对此供货商理应负责。基于上述的检验报告,我们在此对你方提出总计为500美元的索赔。我们现随函附上7788号检验报告,并期望能早日得到理赔。你的真诚的。
尊敬的先生:关于AB123号合同,50公吨长粒型精米。我们刚收到来自上海出人境检验检疫局(shanghai Entry一Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau)的检验报告,证实该批货物短重了1000千克。全面的检查显示短重是由于包装不当引起的,对此供货商理应负责。基于上述的检验报告,我们在此对你方提出总计为500美元的索赔。我们现随函附上7788号检验报告,并期望能早日得到理赔。你的真诚的。
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs,Contract No .AB123 for 50M/T Polished Long Grain Rice.We have just received the Survey Report from SCIQB evidencing the short-weight for this consignment was 1,000kg.Athorough examination showed that the short weight was due to improper packing,for which the suppliers should definitely be responsible .On the basis of the above-mentioned Survey Report,we hereby register a claim with you for US $500in all .We are enclosing the Survey Report No .7788 and look forward to settlement at an early date .Yours truly,