执事先生:遵照你方要求,我方特此寄送所需的形式发票一式三份。随着销售季节的来临.,我方相信 你方客户将大量需要这些产品。所以我方希望及早收到你方订单,以便你方能赶上销售季节 的市场需求。我方期待你方早日答复。X X X谨上
执事先生:遵照你方要求,我方特此寄送所需的形式发票一式三份。随着销售季节的来临.,我方相信 你方客户将大量需要这些产品。所以我方希望及早收到你方订单,以便你方能赶上销售季节 的市场需求。我方期待你方早日答复。X X X谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs,At your request we arti sending you the proforma invoice in triplicate. As the season is rapidly approaching, we believe that your clients are in need of the products. So we look forward to receiving your order at an early date, thus enabling your order to catch the brisk demand at the season.We look fonvard to your early reply. Yours truly,