Which of the following does NOT directly reflect Leonard's customer orientation?
Which of the following does NOT directly reflect Leonard's customer orientation?
A、the opening of the store itself.
B、purchase from second-hand suppliers.
C、its motto carved in a boulder.
D、distribution of ice creams to the waiting customers.
【名师解析】:选项B "purchase from second-hand suppliers" 并不直接反映Leonard的客户导向。这是因为从二手供应商处购买商品可能与客户的需求和期望没有直接联系。相反,选项A "the opening of the store itself" 可能意味着Leonard为满足客户需求而开设店铺,选项C "its motto carved in a boulder" 可能表明Leonard有明确的客户服务宗旨,选项D "distribution of ice creams to the waiting customers" 直接体现了对客户等待时的关怀,这些都是直接反映客户导向的行为。