Sentence Translation A.Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.To the right of the country was more or less mountainous, that is, solitary hills stood up from its level, with stretches of cultivated lands between, amongst
Sentence Translation A.Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.To the right of the country was more or less mountainous, that is, solitary hills stood up from its level, with stretches of cultivated lands between, amongst which we could distinctly see groups of dome-shaped huts. The landscape lay before us as a map, wherein rivers flashed like silver snakes.


【题目解析】:平地上耸起一座座小山,小山之间是一块块耕地,平地里一群群圆顶小屋清晰可见。 (考点:词组 “solitary hills” “stretches of cultivated lands” 与 “groups of dome-shaped huts”中复数概念的翻译。)