Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.Bullfighting is quite traditional and popular in Spain. During bullfighting, bullfighters would incite angry bulls to charge at cloths they wave. If this is done properly, the bullfi
Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.Bullfighting is quite traditional and popular in Spain. During bullfighting, bullfighters would incite angry bulls to charge at cloths they wave. If this is done properly, the bullfighters are not hurt. If it is done wrong, the bullfighters can be either hurt or killed.


【题目解析】:本题考查对被动语态的正确翻译。结合语境可知,此处this指斗牛士斗牛时的动作,“动作”与do“做”之间的逻辑关系为被动,但如果直译“如果动作被做的正确/错误”,读起来会不通顺,不符合中文的习惯表达,故省略对被动语态的翻译,意译为“如果动作得当/一旦动作出现差错”更流畅。需要注意的是,if的含义可结合语境的感情色彩判断是用“如果”还是“一旦”,同时第二个if条件状语从句中可省略前句已提到的主语“动作”。properly:正确地、适当地,bullfighter:斗牛士,either … or …:要么…,要么…/不是…,就是…。