Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:One can’t think of Africa without thinking of Egypt, the cradle of an ancient civilization, nor of Egypt without the Nile. 译文:想到非洲,人们不可能不想到古代文明发祥地之一的埃及;而没有一个尼罗河的埃及,那也是不可
Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:One can’t think of Africa without thinking of Egypt, the cradle of an ancient civilization, nor of Egypt without the Nile. 译文:想到非洲,人们不可能不想到古代文明发祥地之一的埃及;而没有一个尼罗河的埃及,那也是不可想象的。改译:


【题目解析】:原译文属于望文生义,生硬地翻译。 nor of Egypt without the Nile是因主语和谓语同上文重复而使用的省略句,原句应为one can not think of Egypt without thinking of the Nile either。因此,应译为“想起埃及,人们也不可能不想起尼罗河”。