The international monetary system needs fundamental reform. It is not the cause of the recent imbalances and current instability in the global economy, but it certainly has been ineffective in addressing them. So a broad set of reforms is requ
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The international monetary system needs fundamental reform. It is not the cause of the recent imbalances and current instability in the global economy, but it certainly has been ineffective in addressing them. So a broad set of reforms is required, beginning with an immediate expansion of the current system.


【题目解析】:它并非是全球经济近来失衡和眼下不稳的根源,但的确尚未有效应对这些问题。考点:动词“address”的理解与翻译。the cause of:......的根源。global economy:全球经济。address在这里翻译为“应对”。