Snooker, boxing, darts, table tennis and even skiing can call Britain home. In fact, without a certain Dr. William Penny Brookes, the world would not even have the modern Olympics. Determined to improve the physical and mental condition of the averag
Snooker, boxing, darts, table tennis and even skiing can call Britain home. In fact, without a certain Dr. William Penny Brookes, the world would not even have the modern Olympics. Determined to improve the physical and mental condition of the average 19th century Briton, the good doctor proposed a games tournament that would blend together the ancient Greek athletic disciplines, with modern sports like football. And so the Olympics as we know it were born, and in 2012 they are coming home. (from, 2008-09-16)
【正确答案】:斯诺克、拳击、投镖、乒乓球、甚至滑雪,都可以视英国为故乡。事实上,如果没有威廉·彭尼·布鲁克斯医生,也就没有现代奥运。19世纪,为了提高英国人的体能和健康,布鲁克斯倡议举行运动锦标赛,比赛融合了古希腊的运动规则,同时也加入现代体育项目,如足球。这就是现代奥运会的由来,而2012年,奥运会将回到它的故乡——英国。(由英国使馆文化教育处供稿,译者 佚名, 有改动)