房子租期将满的那天,我去看房予,收回钥匙.我在检查房内的设施时,突然发现卫生间里的马桶( commode)竟然换了新的•男人看着我一脸惊讶,笑着说:“花几十块钱,是小事,换了,水就不会白白流掉了。”他告诉我,他家乡长年缺水,人们把水看得比油还珍贵,如果谁要浪费一点水,就是天大的罪过.所以.当他和妻子发现卫生间里的长流水,就觉得很不自在。最后,他们决定自己出钱,买一个新马桶装上。
房子租期将满的那天,我去看房予,收回钥匙.我在检查房内的设施时,突然发现卫生间里的马桶( commode)竟然换了新的•男人看着我一脸惊讶,笑着说:“花几十块钱,是小事,换了,水就不会白白流掉了。”他告诉我,他家乡长年缺水,人们把水看得比油还珍贵,如果谁要浪费一点水,就是天大的罪过.所以.当他和妻子发现卫生间里的长流水,就觉得很不自在。最后,他们决定自己出钱,买一个新马桶装上。
【正确答案】:On the day when the lease expired, I went to check my flat and ask back the key. While checking the indoor facilities, I was surprised that the old commode in the bathroom should have been replaced. Noticing my surprise, the man said with a smile, “No big deal. Just a few bucks for a new one. Water will be saved.” Then, he explained that his hometown suffered from water shortage all year round. For this reason, water was considered more precious than oil. Whoever wasted a little water would be condemned as sinful. Therefore, when he and his wife saw water leaking in the bathroom, they felt ill at ease. That’s why they finally decided to have a new commode fixed at their own expense.
【题目解析】:注意文中一些关键表达的翻译。“租期将满”翻译成“the lease expired”,“看房子”翻译成“check my flat”,“收回”翻译成“ask back”,“房内的设施”翻译成“indoor facilities”,“卫生间”翻译成“bathroom”,“竟然换了新的”翻译成“should have been replaced”,“看着我一脸惊讶”翻译成“Noticing my surprise”,“花十几块钱”翻译成“Just a few bucks”,“白白流掉”翻译成“Water will be saved”,“缺水”翻译成“water shortage”,“天大的罪过”翻译成“sinful”,“看得比油还珍贵”翻译成“”,“如果……就”翻译成“”,“长流水”翻译成“”,“觉得很不自在”翻译成“was considered more precious than oil”,“自己出钱”翻译成“at their own expense”,“买了一个新的马桶装上”翻译成“have a new commode fixed”。