退休是一种贡献,有其特殊的价值和意义。从原来的岗位上退下来,既空出了职务又空出了职称,让较为年轻的同志补上去,这不是一种贡献?譬如我,原系大学教授,研究生导师,学科带头人,还有其他一些职务. 如今一退,名额的紧张状况便可缓和一点,提拔年轻学子的机会就增多一点,梯队建设规划(Planforteambuilding)即可顺利付诸实施。若能真正地认识这一点,便可获得一种充实感和欣慰感.
退休是一种贡献,有其特殊的价值和意义。从原来的岗位上退下来,既空出了职务又空出了职称,让较为年轻的同志补上去,这不是一种贡献?譬如我,原系大学教授,研究生导师,学科带头人,还有其他一些职务. 如今一退,名额的紧张状况便可缓和一点,提拔年轻学子的机会就增多一点,梯队建设规划(Planforteambuilding)即可顺利付诸实施。若能真正地认识这一点,便可获得一种充实感和欣慰感.
【正确答案】: Retirement has its contributions with special value and significance. When a person retires, his/her position and academic title will become available again, so that a younger person may take them up. Isn’t that a contribution? Take me for example, I was a professor from a university, a supervisor of postgraduate students, a leader in my field of research and so on. Now that I have retired, shortage of academic positions in my university can be eased a bit; some younger scholars may have one more opportunity of promotion, and the university plan for team building can be implemented smoothly. Those who came to see this point may have a feeling of living a full and satisfied life.
【题目解析】:注意文中一些关键表达的翻译。“贡献”翻译成“contributions”,“价值”翻译成“value”,“意义”翻译成“significance”,“从原来的岗位上退下来”翻译成“When a person retires”,“空出”翻译成“available”,“职务”翻译成“position”,“职称”翻译成“academic title”,“补上去”翻译成“take … up”,“研究生”翻译成“postgraduate students”,“学科”翻译成“field of research”,“如今一退”翻译成“Now that I have retired”,“名额”翻译成“academic positions”,“紧张状况”翻译成“shortage”,“缓和”翻译成“be eased”,“年轻学子”翻译成“younger scholars”,“梯队”翻译成“team”,“充实感”翻译成“full”,“欣慰感”翻译成“satisfied”。