In Robinson Crusoe,when Robinson Crusoe ran away from home,he was an inexperienced teenager fuall of______ about the future.
In Robinson Crusoe,when Robinson Crusoe ran away from home,he was an inexperienced teenager fuall of______ about the future.
A、great curiosity
B、bright fancies
C、much fear
D、ultimate anxiety
【名师解析】:在《鲁滨逊漂流记》中,鲁滨逊离家出走时是一个缺乏经验的青少年,对未来充满了美好的幻想。选项B "bright fancies" 表示“美好的幻想”,符合文中描述鲁滨逊对未知未来充满乐观和憧憬的心态。选项A "great curiosity" 表示“极大的好奇心”,虽然也与鲁滨逊探索未知有关,但不如选项B准确。选项C "much fear" 表示“很多的恐惧”,与鲁滨逊对未知的积极态度不符。选项D "ultimate anxiety" 表示“极度的焦虑”,这与鲁滨逊离家出走时的心态相悖。因此,正确答案是B。