Which one of the following statements about Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is true?()
Which one of the following statements about Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is true?()
A、Hawthorne intended to tell a love story in this novel.
B、Hawthorne intended to tell a story of sin in this novel.
C、Hawthorne intended to reveal the human psyche after they sinned, so as to show people the tension between society and individuals.
D、Hawthorne focused his attention on consequences of the sin on the people in general ,so as to call the readers back to the conventional Puritan way of living.
【题目解析】:本题考察霍桑小说《红字》的作品主题。霍桑在他最著名的小说The Scarlet Letter《红字》(1850)中有意在人物犯罪后揭露人类的心理,从而向人们展示社会和个人之间的紧张关系。A选项爱情故事,B选项罪恶故事,D选项涉及清教,均与题干含义不符。