()is a master story-teller. With his first sentence he engages the reader’s attention and holds it to the end.
()is a master story-teller. With his first sentence he engages the reader’s attention and holds it to the end.
A、Charles Dickens
B、Emily Bronte
C、Thomas Hardy
D、George Eliot
【题目解析】:Charles Dickens is a master story-teller. With his first sentence he engages the reader’s attention and holds it to the end.查尔斯·狄更斯是个讲故事的大师。他的第一句话就引起了读者的注意,并一直持续到结尾。他的作品有着超凡的流畅度,并且人物肖像是他作品中最突出的特点。