()teems with all kinds of recognizable features of Romantic poetry---the medieval, the outcast figure, love of nature, hatred of tyranny, preoccupation with the remote and savage, and so on.
()teems with all kinds of recognizable features of Romantic poetry---the medieval, the outcast figure, love of nature, hatred of tyranny, preoccupation with the remote and savage, and so on.
A、The Vision of Judgment
B、Don Juan
D、Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
【题目解析】:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage充满了各种各样的浪漫主义诗歌的特征:中世纪,被驱逐的形象,对自然的热爱,对暴政的憎恨,对荒凉和野蛮的关注等。