It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unch"> It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unch">

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unch

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unchanging.( )


Time flying, we must keep changing ourselves if we cannot change the world.


Nowadays, people are indifferent to traditions but interested in the rapid changes.


We shall gradually get used to changes in the same way as we took stability for granted in the past.


We are no longer satisfied with what we have and eager to accept all the rapid changes in the world.



