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Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentence or italicized part.

Once, at my prep. school, I had a story in the magazine and Mother was beside herself.​()

Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentence or italicized part.

Once, at my prep. school, I had a story in the magazine and Mother was beside herself.​()


…my mother was very supportive when I was writing a story for the school magazine.


…to see my story in the magazine was such a surprise to my mother that she couldn't believe it.


…my mother was deeply moved by the story in the magazine that she couldn't find words to express herself.


...the magazine carried a story I had written and this made my mother so happy that she couldn't control herself.


“在上小学时,有一次杂志刊登了我写的一个故事,妈妈真是高兴得忘乎所以。 ” beside oneself 对自己的感情失去控制,选自下册第九课 Forty Years On
