Topic:Why was Rachel Carson very important for environment protection?
Topic:Why was Rachel Carson very important for environment protection?
【正确答案】:When Rachel Carson was very young, she liked nature very much. She considered the trees and birds as human beings' friends. She felt the wonders of Nature were precious and permanent.
In 1951, she published The Sea Around Us, which has been translated into more than thirty languages. In this book, in her poetic and clear style, she shared with her readers the love of ocean and its creatures. This book was also a delightful antidote to people's ignorance because people knew very little about sea then.
In 1962, Rachel published Silent Spring. in which she said that man was endangering himself and everything else on this planet by his indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides. Some chemical poison that could not be broken down in the nature would later poison human beings. The book exploded into the public consciousness and from then on. people began to pay attention to environment protection.