Then it probably dawned on us both that the place in which wc sat is not the haunt of men who have been failures in life.
Then it probably dawned on us both that the place in which wc sat is not the haunt of men who have been failures in life.
A、Then it probably began to grow bright when we sat in the club which is not always visited by those failures in life.
B、Then we both probably realized that the club where we sat is not frequently visited by those failures in life.
C、Then the idea that the place in which we sat is not always visited by those failures in life became clear to both of us.
D、When we sat there, we both probably realized that the place is not frequently visited by those failures in life.
【题目解析】:原句意思为:然后我们明白了,我们坐着的这个地方不是在生活中遭遇失败的人来的地方。A项中“变得明亮”与原句意思不符。B项中的“俱乐部”未在原句中体现。C项中的the idea became to clear to both of us与原句中的it dawned on us both舍义有差别。D项意为当我们坐在那时,我门俩意识到这个地方不是生活中遭遇失败的人常来的地方。答案为D。