His reaction indicates to me that I actually stand a chance of coming up with a workable design.
His reaction indicates to me that I actually stand a chance of coming up with a workable design.
A、His reaction tells me I will have an opportunity to design an atomic bomb.
B、I conclude from his response that my design is workable.
C、His response suggests that Fm likely to produce a feasible design.
D、He suggests I should show him my design.
【题目解析】:stand a chance of doing sth.指“有可能成功,有机会获得”,workable与feasible同义,指“可行的,行得通的”,indicate有“表明、暗示”之意,come up with是指“提出,想出……”。此句可理解为:他的回应告诉我,我可能提出了一个可行的方法。选项C中suggest有“表明,暗示”之意,同indicate意义接近,be likely to do为“有可能干某事”,由此可知,选项C与题干意思相符。答案为C。