The small hours found Mr, Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay outside under the moon.
The small hours found Mr, Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay outside under the moon.
A、Towards morning. Mr. Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay walked outside to stay in the moonlight.
B、Before midnight, people found Mr. Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay looking at the moon outside.
C、After midnight, Mr. Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay were outdoors, with the moon above them.
D、Late at night,mr. Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay went outside to appreciate the beautiful moonlight.
【题目解析】:题干意为:凌晨时分,梅迪格先生和福泽林先生已来到了户外的月光之下。其中small hours指“凌晨”,等同于after midnight。另外,(a time)find sb.+adj.prep,phrase/doing:(主要用于书面语)在...时某人处于某种状况。这与C项的意思符合。答案为C。