The world is full of wonders, and some of them we don t discover until we're all grown up.
The world is full of wonders, and some of them we don t discover until we're all grown up.
A、The world is full of wonderful things, and we can only find them out when we become adults.
B、The world is full of mysterious things ,and we can not understand them when we are young.
C、The world is full of wonderful things, and even adults can only find out some of them.
D、The world is full of mysterious things, and children can not understand them at all.
【题目解析】:some of扌旨“部分,某些,有些",在否定句中为部分否定,而非完全否定。因此,此句句意可理解为:世界满是惊奇,即使是成年人也只能发现其中的一部分。选项A为完全否定,因此不可选。部分只有等我们长大了才能发现,并不代表我们年幼的时候任何惊奇都发现不了,因此选项B、D不正确,唯有选项C符合题意。答案为C。P2