Workplace English Learning. English plays an important role in the workplace. When __1__(use) correctly and appropriately, it will be __2__(help) in developing a career or a business. Some may need or want to study business English before they start
Workplace English Learning. English plays an important role in the workplace. When __1__(use) correctly and appropriately, it will be __2__(help) in developing a career or a business. Some may need or want to study business English before they start their __3__(career). Those who are already __4__(work) have the opportunity to see what they can and cannot do __5__(effective) with English in their current job.
A __6__ (value) skill to have in business is how to negotiate. You need to know what you want, as well as how to bargain and make concessions(让步). Being able to deal with a conflict and __7__ (know) how to end negotiations can make a big __8__ (different) to the outcome.Workplace English learning will encourage __9__ (profession) and efficient communication. It can better serve customers, business partners and __10__ (supplier), and it will be a positive push for any business.
【正确答案】:1.used 2.helpful 4.working 5.effectively 6.valuable 7.knowing 8.difference 9.professional 10.suppliers
【题目解析】:1.When+动词过去分词作状语,当被正确地恰当地使用的时候 helpful in doing… 有助于…
3.Career 生涯,职业。可数名词。可数名词出现时,必须是复数或者带冠词的单数。
4.Be+doing 现在进行式,表示动作正在进行
6.A valuable skill 一个宝贵的技巧
7.and前后词性一致,Being able to为动名词结构,故此处应填入know的动名词形式knowing.
8.固定搭配,Make a big difference 有很大影响