Myths of Our Finger-nails
Everyone knows your finger-nails can show whether you are in good health or not. But that is not entirely true. Well, _____(31), there are plenty of people with health _____(32)who have normal-looking nails.
There can
Myths of Our Finger-nails
Everyone knows your finger-nails can show whether you are in good health or not. But that is not entirely true. Well, _____(31), there are plenty of people with health _____(32)who have normal-looking nails.
There can be a significant number of ways that finger-nails of healthy people can look _____(33). So while paying attention to changes in your nails is_____(34), thinking that there is a health problem may be too early.
Some women _____(35)that rubbing garlic(大蒜)on their nails has helped their nails grow longer. But that is not the case. Keeping nails _____(36)wet in proper ways can help _____(37)them from breaking, particularly in the _____(38)and winter months. It is a good idea to _____(39)hand cream on your hands and finger-nails after washing them, which will offer _____(40)from bad weather.

A. different
B. hopefully
C. prevent
D. believe
E. actually
F. protection
G. valuable
H. beautiful
I. use
J. issues
K. autumn
L. slightly
36.But that is not the case.意为但事实并非如此。说明后面一句与前一句意思应当相反,空格处所在句子成分完整,因此应当是缺少形容词或副词,形容词作前置定语应当放在nails前,因此排除,空格处可填选项为B.hopefully有希望地;E.actually;L.slightly,L选项符合题意,保持指甲轻微的湿润能够…
38.particularly in the _____(38)and winter months.尤其是在____和冬季月份。and前后连接两个并列成分,因此应填入名词, 保护,K.autumn 秋天,根据句义选择K选项。