【阅读理解】Redemption (拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value be restored to young lives distorted (扭曲) by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time. Despite horror at what was
【阅读理解】Redemption (拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value be restored to young lives distorted (扭曲) by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time. Despite horror at what was done, children cannot be —— dealt with as adults, not if a people wants to consider itself civilized. That's why politicians' cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.
According to politicians, when children commit crimes, they should be treated in the same way as _____.