Therefore, while the overall U. S. homicide rate has indeed declined in recent years, the rate of juvenile murder continues to grow, unabated by the spread of community policing, increased incarceration, and a variety of other popular crime-fighting
Therefore, while the overall U. S. homicide rate has indeed declined in recent years, the rate of juvenile murder continues to grow, unabated by the spread of community policing, increased incarceration, and a variety of other popular crime-fighting strategies.
【正确答案】:这是一个由while引导的让步状语从句;homicide rate指自杀率;a variety of种种; crime fighting strategies指打击犯罪手段的实施。答案为:因此尽管在过去几年里,全美国的杀人犯罪率在降低,但青少年杀人罪继续呈上升趋势,并没有因为社区警力的投入、监禁的增加和其他打击犯罪手段的实施而有所减弱。