The public's fear of crime, including juvenile crime, is a majorconcern for policymakers. In California, and throughout the nation, nightlynews programs often begin their broadcasts with accounts of violent crimecommitted by juv
  The public's fear of crime, including juvenile crime, is a majorconcern for policymakers. In California, and throughout the nation, nightlynews programs often begin their broadcasts with accounts of violent crimecommitted by juveniles.  (46) The Legislature and the Governor have enacted numerous lawsto address the public's concers about juvenile crime. Despite theseefforts. polls show that at the public continues to see crime as one of the most pressingproblems in society.  In January 1994, we released our report Crime in Californiadescribing overall crime trends in the state. This report, while similar,focuses on juveniile crime trends and the juvenile justice system in California.  California's juvenile justice system is different from the state'sadult justice system. This is because society recognizes that many juvenilesneed to be treated differently from adults. (47) Generally, the juvenile systememphasizes treatment and rehabilitation, while the adult system concentrates onpunishment of offenders The juvenile justice system also consists of a large number ofnonlaw enforcement agencies. Social services agencies, schools, and community-basedorganizations all provide services to both juveniles "at-risk"ofcommitting crimes and to juveniles who have committed crimes.  Juvenile crime peaked in California in 1974 and then decreasedthrough 1987. This decrease occurred at the same time as the proportion ofjuveniles in California's population was declining. Juvenile crime hasincreased since 1987. (48) It is likely that juvenilecrime will continue to increase given the projected future increase inCalifornia's juvenile population. In order to address this growth in crime,policymakers will have to pursue multiple strategies including prevention, intervention,suppression, and incarceration efforts.  (49) The juvenile justice system has evolved over the yearsbased on the premise that juveniles are different from adults and juvenileswho commit criminal acts generally should be treated differently from adults. Separate courts,detention facilities, rules, procedures, and laws were created forjuveniles with the intent to protect their welfare and rehabilitate them, while protectingpublic safety.  Under certain circumstances, youthful offenders can be triedeither as juveniles or as adults. But even in these situations theirtreatment is different from that of adults. (50) For example, a juvenile who is arrestedfor an "adult"offense can be adjudicated ineither juvenile court or adult court: if convicted, he or she can be incarceratedin either county or state correctional facility or left in the community; andif incarcerated, he or she can be placed with either other juveniles or adults. In contrast, anadult charged with the same offense would be tried in an adult court; ifconvicted, he or she would be incarcerated by the state and would be housed withadults  Juvenile offenders are generally placed in one of four legalcategories depending primarily on the seriousness of the offense committed.Two of these categories ("criminal offenders"and "juvenilesremanded to superior court") are for juveniles who have committed adult-likecrimes. The other categories ("informal probationers"and "statusoffenders") are for youths who have committed lessserious offenses or offenses unique to juveniles, like curfew violations. 
Directions: In the following passage, there are five groups of underlined sentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet